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Sometimes when I'm driving alone in my car, I daydream about being a hero.  I picture myself on a plane, with a terrorist or something, and he might try to take over the plane but I'd sneak up behind him and grab him in a choke hold, then I'd beat him senseless while everyone cheered me on. Then I'd tie him up and beat him some more before we landed and everyone was saved.
Another daydream I like to have is the "shark" dream. I'll be hanging out at the beach and a little kid is swimming in the ocean... suddenly, a shark comes and heads toward the kid so I dive into the water and wrestle with the shark. We go under while the kid is saved and then everyone on the beach looks for me and they think I'm dead but then all of a sudden I burst out of the water and everyone cheers and the little kid is okay. 
Or, I'm walking down the street and a little old lady is walking through an intersection and a bus is coming so I run into the street and push her out of the way as the bus hits me... I go flying through the air- like a Hollywood stunt- and then roll away safely. (Maybe a cut or two on my forehead, for dramatic effects.) 
But my favorite daydream is when I sneak into an animal laboratory and let all of the animals out of their cages. Me and all of the dogs and cats and chimpanzees and rabbits and monkeys and gorillas run together down the hallways, trying to get out. The scientists start shooting at us, so I tell the animals to go on without me... as I take a round of bullets to my arms and legs. (This way I can still survive and be the hero to all of the animals.)
It would be really cool if I were as brave in real life as I am when I daydream.

1 comment:

Pattianna said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! Love this Amy.