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*Important note*

The following post is my opinion. Do not read this if you're conservative, judgemental, old-fashioned, dishonest, or a goody-two-shoes.  
This is a raw, uncensored, HONEST, down-to-earth discussion about male gynocologists and what I think of them. 
Proceed at your own risk.

Male Gynocologists-

The name itself is wrong. To put the word "male" in front of a term that refers to a woman's vagina is confusing. How can a man possibly know what it's like to have a vagina? He can't. It's impossible. Unless he's a transgender.

I mean, seriously, if I'm having "issues" with my female parts- too dry, too wet, too itchy, etc., or if I have severe menstrual cramps or I'm spotting or I have discomfort during intercourse- how can a man relate to those poblems? He's never experienced those things. He has NO IDEA what it's like to have a period, let alone cramps from a period. A man has NO IDEA what it's like to go through childbirth or menopause. He can't relate to ovulating  or having a yeast infection or any of the other disgusting shit women have to deal with. He has NEVER EXPERIENCED ANY OF THOSE SYMPTOMS. He can't relate to what it feels like to carry a baby for nine months. Or pushing one out of your vagina.  A man doesn't know what it's like to have hot flashes or mood swings or hormones flying all over the place. I don't care what anyone says- it's a fact that a man will never know what it's like to be a woman. So how could he be a good gynocologist?

Okay now lets move on to the other "issue" I have with male gynocoloists. Now guys, come ON.  I've worked with a construction crew for the last 8 years. I know men. Men love vaginas. If you went to school to become a gynoclogist, you love vaginas. I know what you're going to say if you're a male gynocologist- "'We see a hundred vaginas a day. They're all the same." Okay, I'll give you that much. I'm sure many of them are gross to look at or touch. But what happens when a hot 20 year old blonde bombshell enters the exam room? Are you going to tell me a MALE gynocologist isn't going to get excited? Stop and think about it before you answer. PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE. Don't lie to me or yourself. MEN ARE MEN. They will get excited. I'm not blaming them. Trust me, if I saw a hundred nasty vaginas all day I'd be psyched to see a nice one too. All I'm saying is that a man is going to get off seeing that vagina. He will fantasize about it later on- probably that night, especially if he hasn't had sex with his wife in a year.  Just be honest. 
That's all I ask.
Personally, I think I have a nice vagina, therefore I wouldn't want a doctor getting off on it. I also wouldn't want a man to give me advice or answer questions about my vagina unless he can relate to what I'm experiencing. Textbooks and education and even hospital experience working with vaginas constitute for a medical degree, but it's still a fact that a man will NEVER know what's it's like to have a vagina or ovaries or a clitoris, among our other female body parts. It would be difficult to say that a man could ever be a better gynocologist than a woman. I think it would be hard to dispute that fact.
Side note: I'm not preaching or telling women to dump their male gynocologists if they have one. I'm not telling women their doctors suck. As I stated in the beginning of my post:
This is just my opinion.  Only open-minded people should be reading this. 
Enough said. 

1 comment:

James said...

Could you publicise that no "internal" sexual examination is required for birth control.

The World Health Organisation banned this idea of being blackmailed into "submission" years ago.

But they still try it on anyway. I agree with every singe word you said. But gullible women exist.