Follow "AmyHasIssues" for some Laughs!


I hate people who can't read body language. Scratch that. I hate people who IGNORE body language because they're so FULL OF THEMSELVES they can't imagine someone might not give a shit about whatever the hell they're talking about.  They think everyone wants to hear all the details about everything that happens in their lives.
I've been stuck in conversations with people to the point where I want to rip all of my hair out. (Or theirs.) At first, I try to be polite. I'll shift my feet a bit, glance at my phone, look over my shoulder... you know, subtle hints like that. Sometimes, if I can get a word in between their run-on sentences I'll say something like, "Wow. I'm SO LATE for my meeting! I'd better get going." But even that doesn't work on some of the severely narcissistic individuals. They just keep on talking. They love the sound of their own voice. They love attention. They love THEMSELVES. These SELF-CENTERED, CONCEITED, ARROGANT people need to get some manners. Or a punch in the face. I bet they'd pick up on that body language.

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